Our Mob

Our Board

Each member of Mibbinbah’s  Board is committed to the long-term health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and sits on and contributes to influential committees across Australia. This experience ensures Mibbinbah is responsive and reflective of all issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities today. 

Who we work with

·       Communities that are ready.

·       Organisations across Australia that share our values and our vision.

Our Network

Mibbinbah maintains links with a national network of over 5000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, women and children and community groups across Australia. 

Jack Bulman - Founder & CEO 

Through the years, Jack has been involved in a wide variety of community activities. Jack received a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree in Health Promotion from La Trobe University, where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males' health became a passion. While at university, Jack was recruited to work in Men’s Health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Males in Queensland. He worked for both community and government organisations. Jack has now completed his Masters degree at Melbourne University Titled First Nations fathering: A model to support the early formation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male-led families.

Subsequently, with Dr. Rick Hayes, Jack set up Mibbinbah; a Health Promotion Charity for Indigenous Males that focuses on building safe spaces for Aboriginal males. Jack is in high demand as a speaker and facilitator across the country. He specialises in providing support to community groups who need to work through their governance and leadership concerns. He is one of the co-creators of the Mad Bastards Program: Be the best you can be which is now the Mibbinbah Be The Best You Can Be Program.

Lisa Bulman - Facilitator

 a Gunditjmara woman who loves working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia. Lisa has been a lead facilitator and Cultural healer with Mibbinbah since 2014.  In her position with Mibbinbah, she works with associated partners to consider the health and social and emotional wellbeing issues, such as depression and anxiety, affecting our communities, and to address local needs. Lisa is a strong advocate for developing culturally appropriate solutions to address issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Her research interests include trauma, suicide prevention, cultural safety in the workplace, Indigenous Health, Rural and Remote Health issues and working effectively with our people.

Dr Rick Hayes - Founding Member and first Chair

Rick acknowledges his family’s heritage with the Brothertown Indian Tribe of New York and Wisconsin. With his research and practice partner,  Jack Bulman, he has been engaged in research relating to Indigenous men, men’s sheds/spaces and health for a number of years. He is a leading researcher on non-pathologising approaches to men’s health in Australia. Rick’s work has repeatedly shown that men, in safe and well-facilitated groups associated with their networks, can and will talk about and engage their health related concerns.

Adam & Carmel Wooding - IT Support

Empower Digital is a family business dedicated to empowering small businesses to succeed in our online world. Primarily using Shopify and Google Workspace, we specialise in web development, ecommerce and training & consulting. Located on Githabul Country (Warwick, QLD) , we love the opportunity to work remotely with businesses & organisations Australia wide.

Visit Empower Digital: https://empowerdigital.com.au/

Professor Kerry Arabena - Advisor

A descendant of the Meriam people from the Torres Strait, Kerry’s work has brought her to the forefront of Indigenous affairs in Australia. A former social worker with a Doctorate in Environmental Science, Kerry has held senior positions including Chair of Indigenous Health at the University of Melbourne, Executive Director of First 1000 Days Australia, CEO of the Lowitja Institute and Director of Indigenous Health Research at Monash University. Currently a Director of Kinaway Chamber of Commerce and IgNITE, Kerry holds an honorary professorial position with the University of Melbourne, manages her burgeoning consulting, publishing and coaching companies and has several entrepreneurial programs in development.

Professor Megan Williams - Advisor

Megan Williams, a Wiradjuri descendent, has qualifications in human services, social science and public health, with 20 years’ experience combining service delivery with research. Megan Is

currently a Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney. She has mixed-methods research experience among Aboriginal service providers, and people with multiple health and wellbeing issues. Megan is also experienced in research translation, drawing out insights from research for educators, health planners and policy makers. Megan is a research partner of First Peoples’ Disability Network and Mibbinbah health promotion charity, and is active in the #JustJustice social journalism for health project publishing examples of Aboriginal-led solutions to over-incarceration.

Christina Grant- Marketing

Christina is a marketing strategist who works across commercial and not for profit organisations. She is passionate about facilitating opportunities that help creative and social enterprises to become commercially successful. Christina is currently the Head of Partnerships for The Emmett Brown Agency, which connects local and international creative talent to ambassadorial opportunities.